Saturday, May 23, 2009

sucking air...

i don't know what came over me this morning at 2:15am when i decided it would be a good idea to get up at 5:30, a mere 3 hours away, and go for a run....

yep, that's right, i said "go for a run..." let me just tell you when the last time i went for a run was.....yeah, can't even recall!!! so i dragged my exhausted butt to bed and set my 3 alarms. now, it's a saturday morning...who in the world thinks--hey i think i'll go for a run at 5:30am!?!? (crazy people, that's who!) moment of truth--my alarm is going off. no, i decide, i'm too tired...the alarm goes off again and now the dogs are awake and now they want to go outside so i reluctantly drag myself out of the heavenly bed and put them out, successfully try to talk myself out of going on said run and head back to bed, ugh!! NO!! i knew i would hate myself if i didn't go and the plus was that if i went that early no one would see me running and also the glorious fact of the early morning temperatures guaranteed i wouldn't be sopping in i get back out of bed, chug half a diet pepsi (yeah, not the greatest idea), put on my shoes and head out the door.

i ran/walked a little over a mile sucking air during the times i ran and realizing how terribly out of shape i am and how much it'd ROCK if i could run the whole time and NOT suck, perhaps i will do this every morning--as much as i HATE getting up early i truly love the serenity of the early morning, watching the sunrise and just basking in God's glory, even if i am covered in sweat.

now as i type, i am chugging a glass of deliciously cold water, trying to ignore the fact that my legs feel like noodles and will most definitely HURT later today and most importantly thanking God for not letting me go back to sleep and miss the time i spent with Him and the sunrise...

now, however, it's time to go back to bed, ha! good morning and good night!


Ashlee said...

Nicole--I'm so proud of you! Amazing how exercise can be spiritual, huh? Keep at it...running is for crazy people. Good thing that you're a little crazy! :) Love you lots!

Courtney said...

I would just like to tell you how encouraging this is....not so much the getting up to run!...but the getting up early enough to view the beauty in the sky called the sunrise that is painted every morning by the artist known as God!! To smell the sweet morning "dewy" air and hear the peace the early a.m. offers to those listening. Sooo much better than waking up an hour before work, just enough time to get ready and miss the beauty God provides for us. Inspiring..truly inspiring! Maybe I'll shoot for quiet time w/ God that early...and on the running part later. =) Luvs & hugs! -court-knee-