Thursday, April 29, 2010

all things new...

This post is dedicated to Miss Jessica Williams, who specifically asked me to "update yo blog, jolene" here's to you Jess!!

When I was traveling the East Coast last fall, there was a joke amongst my fellow travelers that one of our members was going to be going on a "taste tour," to broaden his taste buds' horizons, as we tried lots of new foods. It seems that when I made the move from the landlocked state of open plains to the shoreline of western florida, that my taste buds would soon be on tour of their own. I have always been a fan of fish, but have never really ventured out into the world of seafood because my first brush with shrimp ended horribly. But, I'm up for trying anything at least once, so Jess and Amber introduced me to the wonderful world of seafood.

After our softball game one night, we headed to the Captain's Table for dinner. Can I just say, delish?! I tried baked oysters, two different kinds even! Regular (i guess that's what you'd call them) and Cajun. I also tickled my taste buds with grilled scallops. And for my meal, I had a Grouper sandwich. tasty! I also had the opportunity to eat at Bonefish Grill, and tried bang bang shrimp (still dislike shrimp heavily, it's texture is like eating very fine bubble wrap and i do not enjoy it) and Mahi Mahi. Man, that fish is so good!

Since I am taking on the vegetarian lifestyle, I'm sure there will be more food-related posts...maybe i could do a "julie and julia" segment...haha

Here's to trying new things! Here's to you, Jess!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Beginnings!!

I have been in the great state of FLORIDA now for almost two months and have been seriously lacking in updates. Here's the low-down:

Job Hunting: I had high hopes of finding the coolest ocean side job, that would be both fun and financially worthwhile. after a couple weeks, i wasn't sure that was going to happen...

Free-Time: In the beginning, I had a lot of time on my hands and no where to go and on most days, no vehicle. So, I took up my beloved past time of walking. Conveniently, there is a walking park about a block away (a mile loop), so I would walk there often. That quickly turned into wanting to walk a marathon. I did a little research via google and found a training guide. When i got bored with the walking park, I moved to walking along Beach Drive, about a block away as well and it goes along the bay. It has a beautiful view and I can walk along the shore if I want :-) I am 6 weeks into my 24 weeks of training! and I am loving it! There is also a possibility of entering a half marathon in Pensacola in April!!!

First Job: So, the first place that responded to my application was a fine establishment called Books-A-Million. I was pretty excited about it at first since i LOVE books and reading. I loved the people I worked with but not necessarily the management style and some business strategies, so after 3 weeks, I quit...

Second Job: My roommate's (jenny) mom owns a gymnastics gym and runs an afterschool program and was looking for someone to work with the littlest kids, I tried to resist working here a little bit, mainly for a chance to branch out, but finally gave in. So now I work with 4-5 year olds from 12-6pm. At first, I was a little bit hesitant and skeptical if this was for me...i think i cried everyday that week. I am not used to that age group, but they're starting to grow on me. it's my second week and i'm starting to find my thankful for that!

Church: Jenny is the youth director at her church and naturally I have been helping out with that. I LOVE the youth! They're great! I also love my sunday school class, and I'm very excited to be teaching Confirmation this year at Forest Park UMC!!

The Ocean: I've only been a couple of times but since the bay is so close it's almost the same! I am ready for a little bit warmer weather and the time to actually spend time at the beach, it's one of my fave things!

Pets: How could I forget! jenny has a cat, and his name is Einstein! love him, but he's starting to get fearless...just yesterday he jumped from the toilet to the top of the shower rod and knocked it clean off the wall...crazy cat! oh, and he plays fetch! he thinks he's a dog.

That's about all for now! I hope to update more regularly!!